Personal rant
So I want to rant a little about some people, not all, just some select few that just bugs me on the internet forums.
My first complaint are people that do not use the simple search function to see if their has been a post on an answer to your question or the topic itself. It takes almost no time to do. For those who help the people that do this, I appreciate the ones that encourage them to search and then kindly respond to their answer. It is possible they do not know how or not familiar with forums. Its ok to make mistakes but try to learn from them. For those who just say in their post they are to lazy to search and just want and answer....I know your not going to learn cause you do not want to. I just wish people had better common courtesy.
The next is in regards to something that people just get need to quote sources where they came from. I just think linking to something that links to real source is a waste. Just go straight to the source. Save everyone time.
So who do I think are these people that just upset me so much? I am going to be bias and blanket them into two groups. One, I would say are minors who dont know better or could care less. The other are people that I feel just lack some common sense. You can not teach common sense. I am just frustrated and glad that there are forums where you can have a real discussions without the problems above.
I am done and I should probably calm down, repent, change my ways, etc... and I really would like to give some people a good "something" to.