
Another reason to buy from the warstore/others


Well my girlfriend ordered some tyranid models online from a cipher games cause the had an online checkout still despite gw's policy. Well when I recieved her package it was well not what she ordered. She had ordered two biovores (4th edition) and one ravenger. What they sent was just one biovore (3rd editon)and then only credited her account for the one model. Next time she's just gonna have go the extra mile and call in her order for models at a more reputable store. Well enough venting and good day.



Table update: Dri-fit video

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Table update

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Well I was able to buy the supplies needed to finish my ice table. That is a big relief as I will be able to finish and not have to deal with it taking up all the room in my apartment. I get to lay it off on my parents when I see them for storage. Well time to get to work. I am getting a couple models soon. I am receiving two biovores and a ravenger. That will help round out my overall list to three biovores. I also up to 4 ravengers. Getting ravengers is now on my list to make that subterranean swarm. Till next time

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