
Top ten hobby stuff to check out: 6/28/09

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This column is about the top ten things that I viewed hobby related in the past week on the web that I want to pass along as a "must see" type of thing. Check out the video for my comments and the links to them are next to the article.

10 painting yellow #1
9 Cellar Dwellers Tournament @ Dark Tower 6/6/09 1 of 2
8 BTP- Cities of Death Update
7 95,000 Point Warhammer 40K Apocalypse Game at Origins 2009
6 BTP- Hordes Overview part 01 of 30
5 Imperial Guard VS Tau Battle Report P1
4 TerranScapes Martian Waterfall
3 Imperial Guard Light Tank Tactica P1
2 Warhammer 40k Imperium Vs. Xenos (14,000 apocalypse game)
1 Warhammer 40k Magnetizing the Stormlord Part 1



Top ten hobby stuff to check out: 6/21/09

Posted in

This column is about the top ten things that I viewed hobby related in the past week on the web that I want to pass along as a "must see" type of thing. Check out the video for my comments and the links to them are next to the article.

10 Warhammer Battle Report One: Dark Elves vs Empire 1500pts (Part 1 of 2)
9 Warhammer 40k Space marine tatica The Land Speeder Storm
8 copper roof tutorial
7 How do you deal with Independent Characters 40k.
6 HOW TO: Build your own Realm of Battle board for 20% of the price!
5 How To Build A Lava Field Gaming Board
4 Sportsmanship scores
3 Table design - wetlands
2 CITIES OF DEATH ( work in progress )
1 Successfull operation



Top ten hobby stuff to check out: 6/14/09

Posted in

This column is about the top ten things that I viewed hobby related in the past week on the web that I want to pass along as a "must see" type of thing. Check out the video for my comments and the links to them are next to the article.

10 TerranScapes BB Pitch with Skull
9 Wargaming board making video log: Channel opening, test video.
8 Warhammer 40K Apocalypse Event
7 All comers, fluff or win at all costs?
6 Vash1313's Bretonnian Themed Vampire Counts
5 WHFB: High Elf Unveiling [p1/2]
4 Whatwhat's greenstuff tips and tricks
3 scratch built necron pylon completed
2 Heat Tools Tutorial #1
1 Warhammer 40k Battle Report Necrons vs Orks (PINK ORKS?!?!)



Finished Hive Tryant


A couple updates ago I got the WIP from Micro Art Studio on the Flyrant I commissioned. They have finished and here is the final result.



Top ten hobby stuff to check out: 6/7/09

Posted in

This column is about the top ten things that I viewed hobby related in the past week on the web that I want to pass along as a "must see" type of thing. Check out the video for my comments and the links to them are next to the article.

10. Hairy's Terrain Log
9. Gareth's Challenge
8. Space Wolves Dreadnought conversion
7. Terrainaholic
6. Shiznaft1
5. Blue Table Painting
4. Skavenblight Gazette
3. Bell of Lost Souls
2. Doremicon 30k Battle report
1. Bootleg's Trip

The Hive Mind

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Maryland, United States

Current WIP

  • Artic Table
  • Bunker
  • Devilguants

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  • battle for the abyss

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